Mae ngolwg ar y wlad

(Golud Gras)
Mae ngolwg ar y wlad
  Sydd uwch gofidiau'r llawr;
Gwlad hoff fy etifeddiaeth rad
  Lle mae fy Mhrynwr mawr.

Paham y caraf mwy
  Siomedig bethau gwael?
Dedwyddwch im' ni roddant hwy,
  Mae golud gwell i'w gael.

Pe meddwn aur Peru,
  A pherlau'r India bell,
Mae gronyn bach o ras fy Nuw
  Yn drysor
      canmil gwell.
1,2: D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903
3: William Lewis ?-1794 Aber-mawr, Llangloffan.

Tôn [MB 6686]:
Franconia (J Balthasar König 1691–1758)

  Mae pob pleserau is y rhod
  Pe meddwn aur Periw
  Pob pleserau is y rhod

(The Wealth of Grace)
My sight is on the land
  Which is above the worries of the earth;
The pleasant land of my free inheritance
  Where my great Redeemer is.

Why will I love any more
  The disappointing base things?
No happiness do they give me,
  There is better wealth to be had.

If I should think of the gold of Peru,
  And the pearls of distant India,
A small grain of the grace of my God is
  A treasure a hundred
      thousand times better.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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